• Django not needed to build a website
    • static website from HTML, CSS and JavaScript (JS) possible -> minimal requirements for a website

Roles of Languages

  • HTML: basic structure
  • CSS: color and design (styling)
  • JS: client side scripting (engine in car exapmple)
  • backend (e.g. Django): generate HTML, CSS and JS

Website-User Interaction

  • webserver holds domain
  • user uses client (PC) to request a website
  • server returns response (sends data back to client)
    • prepares HTML, CSS, JS (find files, do calculations -> produce new content from static files (dynamically))
    • files already stored on the server; just sending and displaying static files (HTML, CSS, JS + maybe images) to client -> static website
    • not simply serving HTML, CSS, JS -> dynamic website
      • dynamic website driven by backend (PHP, Django, Angular, Node.JS, …): does processing = generation of HTML, CSS, JS
      • if using Django for backend: advantage: use of all other Python modules possible (for calculations, Machine Learning (ML), etc.)
  • client needs web browser to display response
    • browser understands and translates server response to a format which can be displayed by computer

Django’s Role

  • generate dynamic content from static files (HTML, CSS and JS)
    • trickiest part (more than 70% of the work, which a server has to do): generate static files
    • once generation of files is done: send to client and server work is done
  • makes it easy to generate static files, based on the client request (e.g. asking for certain URLs)
    • handles HTTP requests (most basic: GET and POST)
    • server may also respond with HTTP code, which informs clients that access is denied or file shouldn’t be displayed…

Events (User Events)

  • events: click, press key, use shortcuts, drag item (to other div or container), submit form, …
  • events handled using JavaScript (programming language which works in the browser)

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

  • language of the web
  • builds basic skeleton of website
  • standard markup language, which gives static skeleton of a web application or website
  • quite standardized
  • old languages mostly use HTML without much CSS and no JavaScript
    • user experience (UX) not as good as with styling (CSS)

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

  • styles web pages which are written in HTML -> makes website beautiful and modern looking
    • targets HTML tags/elements to manipulate them
    • targeting may be done using ID’s, classes, …
  • borders, animations, colors (background, navigation, borders, …), resize images, …
  • CSS is embedded in HTML

JS (JavaScript)

  • high-level client side dynamic interpreted programming language
  • received by browser
    • can respond to user events (see above) in the browser
    • JS is embedded in HTML
  • remember: used for client-side scripting


  • high-level Python Web Framework for rapid and clean development using approved techniques
  • free of charge
  • open source
    • continiously improved by the community
  • welcoming community

Why use Django?

  • manage static files
    • handle requests to static files
  • eventually manage database
  • maybe use other libraries from Python
  • has prebuild authentication system
  • pre-configured tools (e.g. models for database)
  • secure and scalable
